IAVE Virtual Global Forum Series

IAVE Virtual Global Forum Series

IAVE and Emirates Foundation have been running a series of engaging and informative virtual fora, exploring the importance of volunteers as agents of change. Under the overarching title Volunteering Together to Enable Change and Create a Better World, the series cover...
IAVE Virtual Ideathon, 13-15 October 2020

IAVE Virtual Ideathon, 13-15 October 2020

IAVE, the International Association for Volunteer Effort, of which Volonteurope recently became a member, is pleased to invite teams of passionate volunteers to participate in the Volunteering to Build Resilience Virtual Ideathon, brought to you in partnership with...
September Blog: Oonagh, President

September Blog: Oonagh, President

A very warm welcome back to all of you from what I hope has been a restful summer break given the circumstances. You may remember at our AGM that we promised to work on relaunching our website and social media presence; Piotr especially but helped by Laura and Adelin...