by j7sjt | Sep 15, 2020 | Events
Volunteering is vitally important to providing a sense of belonging to one’s community. It is a practical way to showcase resilience by including everyone in helping themselves and others to overcome problems whether they are, for example, economic, social,...
by j7sjt | Sep 15, 2020 | Article
Just like the Edinburgh Fringe brings informal events and initiatives parallel to the Edinburgh International Festival, the Europe Future Fringe, which you will recall was launched together with our member New Europeans in the late autumn 2019, seeks to harness the...
by j7sjt | Sep 14, 2020 | Events
IAVE and Emirates Foundation have been running a series of engaging and informative virtual fora, exploring the importance of volunteers as agents of change. Under the overarching title Volunteering Together to Enable Change and Create a Better World, the series cover...
by j7sjt | Sep 14, 2020 | Events
IAVE, the International Association for Volunteer Effort, of which Volonteurope recently became a member, is pleased to invite teams of passionate volunteers to participate in the Volunteering to Build Resilience Virtual Ideathon, brought to you in partnership with...
by j7sjt | Sep 2, 2020 | Blog
A very warm welcome back to all of you from what I hope has been a restful summer break given the circumstances. You may remember at our AGM that we promised to work on relaunching our website and social media presence; Piotr especially but helped by Laura and Adelin...