A European call for regularisation and dignity

We, civic actors from across Europe and Members of the European Parliament are calling on the Belgian government to meet their commitments stated this summer to the negotiators of the Union des Sans-Papiers pour la Régularisation (USPR). In July 2021, the State...
Our European Life cluster held its fourth meeting

Our European Life cluster held its fourth meeting

Volonteurope is already engaged in the politics around the Future of Europe since before the official launch of the Conference on the Future of Europe that has been kicked off in May. So far, two plenary sessions have already been organized in Strasbourg with regard...
Secretary General’s December updates

Secretary General’s December updates

Dear friends, Welcome to our final newsletter of 2021. First of all, I sincerely hope that you are all keeping safe and healthy, and the same goes for your friends and families. It has been a long year for all of us and I am sure we all deserve proper rest and...
#BEV2030 Endorsements!

#BEV2030 Endorsements!

#BEV2030 Endorsements!  Volonteurope, together with other European networks such as the European Civic Forum and the European Youth Forum, has endorsed the CEV Blueprint for European Volunteering 2030 #BEV2030! The Blueprint was approved by the CEV GA held in Berlin...