by j7sjt | Apr 14, 2023 | Article, Events
Through its membership in the Council of Europe Conference of INGOs (where many of the Liaison Group CSOs are also members), Volonteurope, together with partners in the “Action for Social Rights” Committee, has developed and launched the Social Rights Tracker. The...
by j7sjt | Dec 1, 2021 | Events
Volunteer Now is hosting a major online volunteering conference on 2 December 2021 We know that volunteers have been at the forefront of the response to COVID. However, volunteer-involving organisations have had to change what they do and how they involve...
by j7sjt | Dec 16, 2020 | Events, News
Volonteurope has been actively engaged in a series of webinars and online sessions focussed on volunteering and building the skills and capacity of civil society. Over the last six months the International Association for Volunteer Effort (IAVE), of which Volonteurope...
by j7sjt | Dec 16, 2020 | Events, News
Volonteurope’s membership came together virtually earlier this month for an Extraordinary General Assembly like no other. Despite the challenges facing members across Europe and beyond, the network came together online to share their experiences, adopt Volonteurope’s...
by j7sjt | Sep 15, 2020 | Events
Volunteering is vitally important to providing a sense of belonging to one’s community. It is a practical way to showcase resilience by including everyone in helping themselves and others to overcome problems whether they are, for example, economic, social,...
by j7sjt | Sep 14, 2020 | Events
IAVE and Emirates Foundation have been running a series of engaging and informative virtual fora, exploring the importance of volunteers as agents of change. Under the overarching title Volunteering Together to Enable Change and Create a Better World, the series cover...