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#GreenerFuture Training & Exchange in Brussels
Greener Future project, funded by the European Union, focuses on green jobs and skills through research, mapping and training and is spearheaded by a consortium comprising four organisations: Alianza por la Solidaridad - ActionAid (Spain), Volonteurope...
Tackling Energy Poverty for a Just Transition: Building a Greener and Fairer Future
Tackling Energy Poverty for a Just Transition: Building a Greener and Fairer Future Introduction Energy poverty is a pressing issue impacting millions of people across Europe. The challenges posed by the green transition and the cost-of-living crisis...
La ambición de seguir luchando contra la pobreza y la desigualdad
En muchos países de la UE existen desde hace años sistemas de renta mínima RMI que, sin embargo, no garantizan la protección de las personas contra la pobreza. El 15 de marzo de 2023, el Parlamento Europeo votó una resolución sobre una renta mínima adecuada,...
An ambition to continue the fight against poverty and inequality
Minimum income schemes (MIS) have been in place in many EU countries for years, however, they have been failing to guarantee people protection against poverty. A major step towards addressing this took place on 15 March 2023 when the European Parliament...
Seminar: civil society protecting and advancing socio-economic rights in Europe
EVENT BRIEF With the backdrop of the Porto Social Forum which took place on 27 May 2023, where the European Pillar of Social Rights was once again put high on the agenda of European political, social partner and civil society leaders, and with the several...
Celebrating Europe Day – no place for complacency!
Firstly, may I wish you all a very happy Europe Day! As we are reflecting on the second anniversary of the Social Summit in Porto, which took place in 2021, and on this important day today, I would like to reiterate that the European Pillar of Social Rights...